Although I long ago let go of New Year’s goals that, after a short time, I didn’t keep, I still love to sink into reflection about the past year and what I want to make of the new one. It is a time for taking quiet time to sit with questions. What am I acknowledging about the past year?
I can forget to recognize the little steps. They need to be remembered. What were my successes AND my challenges? Because I am learning to regard failure as simply a wonderful human being part of life and learning, I’ll even venture to use the words “challenges and failures”. What wisdom did I gain? What did I learn that is taking me further into the next year? What are my dreams for the year to come?
What excites me? I’m learning to follow the energy of excitement. What are the tiny steps I can take toward those dreams? What would help me with accountability? What else is possible that I never imagined? I’m learning to invite wonder into this question and my life.
I like the idea of the Chinese New Year, January 31st. That means that I have over a month to sit with the questions, take quiet walks, and welcome what shows up. Maybe it will become a habit!
How can we use New Year’s to create a rich practice of reflection that works? How can we model this for our children?