Meet Sarah

hikingI’ve always had tremendous compassion for children and the adults in their lives.

In quest of my own healing, I learned to use where I was stuck or uncomfortable as an impetus to learn, grow and expand. In order to navigate parenting and relationships, I needed to submerge myself into completely new skills and understandings. My child and my child within became my cherished teachers. I spirituality anchored my life.

As a woman, I dove deep into uncovering passions, needs and desires, visibility, and inner strength and clarity. From this place of inner nourishment and acknowledgment, I learned to more deeply connect with myself and others.

I plunged into studying system change, paradigm shifts, expressive and somatic therapies, play therapy, healing from trauma, attachment, mindfulness, neuroscience, and feminine archetypal psychology.

I changed and continue to change the story of my life. I harvest from all the children, families, friends, lovers, and teachers who have been in my life I draw upon, movement, and connection with nature and the earth.

When not seeing clients or sitting behind the computer, I continue doing what I love – dancing, gardening, hiking and backcountry skiing, creating beauty around me, and being with friends and family.

One compassionate intervention in feeling seen or in truly seeing a child can change the trajectory of a life. This is the beginning of developing the resiliency needed to flourish.  Come join me!

“Love is the real power. It’s the energy that cherishes. The more you work with that energy, the more you will see how people respond naturally to it and the more you will want to use it. It brings out your creativity, and helps everyone around you flower. Your children, the people you work with – everyone blooms.” – Marion Woodman

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